Welcome! Your first class is 50% off (just $15). All classes are just a 2-4 min walk from Grove PATH. No experience is necessary, and we’re ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ on Yelp, Facebook and Google.

Here’s how you can jump in: In the calendar below, click on the day you want to join (Tue/Thur/Sat). Then click ‘Sign Up’ and choose the new student half-off option. For more info about our 3 types of classes, scroll below the calendar. Questions? Email info@getwildlyfit.com.

What’s the difference between the 3 class types? How do I know which one is best for me?

The Mobility + Agility class is great for undoing the damage of sitting all day. Parkour Fit is ideal if you want to learn parkour skills. The Obstacle Race / Spartan SGX class is the most intense and perfect if you want a higher-intensity experience or if you’re training for an obstacle race. Learn more about each class type on our Services page, or check out a 30 second video of each class here:

…OK, now pick one and click a date on the calendar above to book it! Just go with the one that looks the most fun for you. Everything will be scalable for all levels.